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FCCOA Code of Conduct

The Board of Fairfield County Council on Aging (FCCOA) have established the following rules in which clients can be assured of a positive experience in a constructive and safe environment. By coming on the premises, all clients, volunteers, and staff agree to adhere to the following guidelines:


· Clients shall conduct themselves in ways that are consistent with public FCCOA activities.


· Clients shall not disturb others while on FCCOA premises. (Treat others as you would want to be treated.)


· Clients shall conduct conversations in a manner that does not disturb other Clients or FCCOA staff.


· Clients shall not use obscene or threatening language and gestures, be visibly inebriated, or engage in running, pushing, or fighting, lewd behavior, harassment, and behavior likely to cause damage to FCCOA property or other disruptive conduct.


· Clients shall wear shoes and shirts (or their equivalent) and shall not have offensive body odors.


· FCCOA facilities are not equipped for childcare. Clients shall not bring children on FCCOA premises except for the following conditions:

                   · The client is making a brief stop to pick-up items (exa. Produce Boxes)

                   · The Executive Director or executive staff must be alerted prior and grant permission.

                   · If there is an intergenerational program taking place.


· Clients consuming food or beverages in the FCCOA must be respectful of other Clients and staff and avoid creating a disturbance or untidiness; Clients shall not consume beverages and food while using or in proximity to the FCCOA’s computers.


· Clients shall not bring pets into the FCCOA except for animals assisting handicapped Clients.


· Clients shall not bring weapons of any kind into the FCCOA.


· Clients shall not conduct business for monetary gain in the FCCOA.


· Clients shall comply with all rules and regulations established by South Carolina State, Fairfield County, the town of Winnsboro during periods of public health emergencies or a declared pandemic or epidemic. These rules will be prominently displayed at all FCCOA entrances.


· FCCOA staff or the on-duty volunteer will inform Clients who violate one or more of these rules of the Client Code of Conduct. If the violation is one that cannot be ended immediately or if the client persists in the violation, FCCOA staff or the on-duty volunteer will ask the client to leave. Continuing violations or refusals to cooperate with the staff or volunteer may result in a loss of FCCOA privileges. A client who believes he or she has been wrongfully treated by FCCOA staff or on duty volunteer may ask for a review of the incident conducted by the Executive Director.

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